Thursday, June 2, 2011

~Window Presence~

I was feeling a little lonely, now as someone who loves being alone it's something I rarely feel. But nevertheless this was a particularly lonely day... I dragged myself to starbucks for a little tall non fat no whip mocha fix and as I was walking up I saw this in a boutique window...........
It was so interesting it stopped me right in my lonely self pitying tracks. I looked for a moment then continued to my mocha yum yum. In line I kept thinking how beautiful it was, so I took another pit stop on the way back to my car to snap a couple pics. I guess there's not much to it really. It's just a vintage dress form with some jewelry on it. I think that's what made it stand out though, how simple and elegant it looked there in the window standing alone. My mother is a seamstress & designer and she has one of these in her home all the way across the country in FL. It reminded me of waking up to the sound of her scissors gliding across our big glass table that doubled as her pattern cutting board. Suddenly I wasn't so lonely anymore. I'm not sure if it was the warm mocha now filling my tummy, the memory of home or the simple piece of art. But for the first time that day I felt present. 
Here's a little quote for ya:
In times of struggle, when the future is too terrifying to contemplate and the past is too painful to remember, I have learned to pay attention to right now.

So, I put 
"Vintage Dress Forminto to my trusty google and turns out a lot of people decorate them! I love it! Something about these makes me want to dress up in lace and drink tea! Here here!

-Amara Cash

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great entry!